Recently, I received an email from one of my new MMMM investing course members from Australia.
His story is, unfortunately, one that I hear quite often. Years ago, he got caught up in the predictions of doom and gloom from various financial “experts” and decided to take all his money out of the stock market.
As you see he had read too many doomsday books, and fear got the better of him. He moved everything to cash and waited for the worst to happen.
While he was sitting in cash, waiting for a market crash that never came, other MMMM members were investing. In the last five years, the stock market went up by 180%. The crypto market? It exploded, going up by 500 to 1,000% in the last years.
My new member had $800,000 when he pulled out of the market. Today, he still has that $800,000. But if he had invested following my asset allocation strategy, his $800,000 could have grown to somewhere between $2 million and $3 million. That’s a big difference, all because of a pessimistic mindset that kept him on the sidelines.
Many people feel safe holding cash, especially when they read negative predictions about the economy. However, staying in cash can be a silent killer of wealth. Inflation is always eroding the value of money. At current inflation rates, the purchasing power of your cash can be cut in half every 8 to 12 years. So, while you may feel safe holding onto your cash, you’re actually losing money every day.
For example, let’s say you had $100,000 in cash ten years ago. With the average inflation rate, that same $100,000 today could buy only half of what it could a decade ago. So, although your bank account balance hasn’t changed, your wealth has diminished.
When you are pessimistic about the future, you will find reasons to avoid investing. You might worry about a market crash, economic collapse, or global instability. But history has shown us time and again that markets recover, economies grow, and those who stay invested over the long term are rewarded.
It’s important to remember that investing is not about trying to predict the future with 100% certainty. It’s about understanding that, over the long run, the markets tend to rise. The stock market has gone up about 10% on average per year, despite many short-term crises.
This doesn’t mean you should be overly optimistic or take reckless risks by investing in meme stocks or leveraged products. In fact you should stay far away from these toxic financial products.
Being cautiously optimistic means understanding that there will be ups and downs, but over time, the value of your investments will grow if you stay the course.
The member from Australia who sat on $800,000 for years fell into the pessimism trap. He thought he was protecting his wealth, but he was actually missing out on one of the best periods of growth the markets have ever seen. His fear of losing money caused him to make a decision that kept him from building wealth.
Being pessimistic is a costly mindset, especially when it comes to investing. It’s not just about the money you don’t make—it’s also about the opportunities you miss out on. And those opportunities can make a huge difference in your financial future.
If you want to succeed in investing, you need to be cautiously optimistic about the future. The world isn’t ending, and the financial markets are not going to collapse forever. Yes, there will be downturns. Yes, there will be challenging times. But those who stay invested through the ups and downs are the ones who build real wealth.
Being pessimistic might feel safe in the short term, but it’s a costly way to approach investing. To win the investing game, you need to think long-term, trust in the growth of the markets, and take action today. Don’t let fear hold you back from the financial success you deserve.
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