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It is a dark time for investors. The financial industry works hard to sell bad investing products where they profit the most.
Most investors think that their money is working for them, but in reality it’s only working for the financial industry.
It’s time you get to know the Six Dark Forces of Investing and save the galaxy your financial life!
“WOW! You probably never imagined how much money you are losing, without even being aware of it. If you already invest your money or if you are getting started investing, read this book NOW."
-Brian Tracy, international bestselling author
“Amazing. Surprising. Original. Fun. Definitely a landmark book that will break every assumption you have about investing and managing your money.”
–Kevin Green, one of the UK's largest residential property landlords,
The BAD news is that most financial advisers, investing gurus and other financial “experts” are out there to legally steal your invested money. That is why a typical investor loses more than one million dollars in his or her investing career.
The GOOD news is that you can smile now, because finally there is a simple solution. Robert Rolih will share with you the details, the subtleties that will enable you to take control of your money and investments, fire your financial adviser, and outperform the pros while spending only a few hours per year.
Robert Rolih is on the mission to share what the financial industry doesn’t want us to know about investing. With his simple investing system, you will be able to outperform the pros while spending only a couple of hours per YEAR for investing. Robert grew up in a poor backwater village in a small country, became a successful entrepreneur (cooperating with people like Chet Holmes and Brian Tracy) and then lost most of his money because he trusted financial advisers and financial “gurus.” That inspired him to invest seven years of his life to research what is going on behind the scenes of the financial industry. Today Robert’s mission is to give you a behind the scenes investing education and help you avoid the costly mistakes that most investors make.