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Grow your money tree & let your money work for you!


It is said that even the flutter of a butterfly’s wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.

I’m not sure if it works just like that but you will probably agree that if you change even the smallest of life’s details, you can completely change your life.

Let me give you an example. Once upon a time, there were two Johns – John Investor and John Spend-it-all. They had the same income, similar jobs, living next door to each other and they led similar lives. John investor invested a part of his income and, as his name implies, John Spend-it-all didn’t.

Even though John Investor lived on 90% of his income (and invested 10%) his standard of living was just the same as John Spend-it-all’s.

Do you agree that you could live comfortably on 90% of your current income like John Investor?

When they were 55 years old John Spend-it-all was two paychecks from losing his house and he was constantly worrying about money. John Investor was financially self-sufficient enough to live 8.5 years without any additional income. The difference between the two was just the simple act of investing a part of their income (or not investing it.)

One of the best reasons why you should start investing is simply because you want to have some money working for you.

In life, we all start our careers working for money. There are some exceptions because some people inherit a lot of money, but for most people, this is the case.

If I give you a very simple definition of investing it would be: making sure that money works for YOU.

This is like planting and growing your own money tree that will constantly put money into your bank account – even while you sleep!

So start now! Building your assets is one of the most important things you can do in order to achieve financial security. And all it takes is just 5 or 10% of your income.

If you invest $100 per month you will have $217,132.11 in your bank account in 30 years (if the market grows 10% annually).

If you invest $200 per month you will have $434,264.22 in your bank account in 30 years.

If you invest $500 per month you will have $1,085,660.55 in your bank account in 30 years.

If you invest $0 per month you will have 0 in your bank account in 30 years.

Now YOU decide which option works best for you 🙂

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  • The most important chart in the investing world—a chart that can help you double or triple your long-term investment returns.
  • How using reverse psychology in investing can lead to extraordinary gains (with many examples)
  • My top 3 investment picks with massive long-term growth potential— these are the exact opportunities where I’m currently making significant investments.

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