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How does money affect your self-worth and self-esteem?

Money and self-esteem

There is an interesting correlation between money and self-esteem. In one of his audio programs, my friend and business partner, the legendary author Brian Tracy talks about a time at the start of his career when he bought life insurance. It gave his family $1m in cover placed on his life.

He says that right after that decision he started to feel differently about himself. He started to feel like he was worth $1m. His levels of self-worth and self-esteem shot through the roof!

Like it or not we live in a world where money is important. Zig Ziglar once said: “Money is not everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen.”

Zero money zero self-esteem?

So if your net worth is zero, or even in the negative territory this will affect you even if you think it won’t! It will affect how you see yourself, how confident you are, how you think, how you act.

Our mind is a very simple mechanism. If it sees proof of something it will believe it’s true. If it doesn’t then positive thinking and visualizations will not help you.
Your mind needs to see the raw reality. The reality where you are wisely managing your money and investing it, and not just thinking about it.

“Someday” will not cut it!

You need to start investing in assets right away to give your mind a proof that something is going on in the right direction. Then just watch the snowball effect.

When you are focused on investing and managing your money, you will be motivated to do more of it and your money tree will start to grow fast!

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