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How to Get Lucky With Money?

Learn the only way to increase your luck and attract wealth.

Luck with money

During the holidays, I played a lot of card games with my family. My wife always chose our younger son as her partner. Of course, she had a good reason for doing so—our younger son is incredibly lucky with cards. As usual, all the aces and trump cards seemed to land in his hands.

After one game ended in a disappointing loss for my team, my older son asked in frustration, “Why is my brother always so lucky with cards?”

My response surprised him a bit: “Luck doesn’t exist.”

Try 51 times

In 2003, a group of students in Finland who had won a video game competition decided to start their own business, creating video games. However, after developing several interesting games, they quickly realized that making a good game wasn’t enough—they also needed effective marketing and distribution. Over the next few years, they invested heavily in these areas and created a total of 51 games. Unfortunately, none of them became a hit.

By 2009, the company faced severe financial difficulties, and most employees had to be laid off.

Then, in December 2009, they launched their 52nd game. It was called Angry Birds, and it turned Rovio into a company worth over a billion euros today.

angry birds money

Quantum World

We live in a world governed by the laws of quantum physics, where the key principle is that there are no certainties, only probabilities.

This concept forms the first pillar of what we often call “luck.”

People who try more things tend to experience more luck. Why? Simply because they are exposed to higher probabilities. Someone who tries 10 different things is far more likely to succeed than someone who tries only one thing.

It’s not about luck—it’s about probabilities. Every opportunity, every meeting, every strategy has a certain probability of success, and that probability is never 100%.

Recently, when marketing my seminar in Sweden, we tested 25 different Facebook ads. We experimented with various images, headlines, and landing pages. Out of the 25 combinations, 23 didn’t work, but two did—and those two were enough to make the seminar a success. If we had only tried one ad and hoped for the best, we would have failed.

Most people don’t understand this concept and give up after the first or second attempt.

This mindset is largely influenced by our education system, which rewards us for knowing the right answer. As a result, when we grow up, we struggle to accept that most of our attempts will fail—and that’s okay. Nobody in school teaches you that you might need to try 10 things that don’t work before finding the one that does.

The Law of Attraction

The second pillar of “luck” is something more intangible.

My wife believes our younger son’s passion and positive energy somehow attract good cards to him.

We might call this optimism, a positive worldview, the law of attraction, or something else—it doesn’t really matter what you call it. Just like you don’t need to understand electricity to turn on the light.

A positive mindset is essential because it helps you keep going and try more things.

The founders of Rovio had a positive outlook. If they hadn’t, they would have given up after their first few games.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do—you can increase your luck by adopting a positive mindset and trying more things.

My friend and business partner Brian Tracy once said: “I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances, be more active, and show up more often.”

Do that, and people will soon say you were born under a lucky star.

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